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Travel Photography With Cell Phones in Capitola

ID : 14148   
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ClassGraphic When you’re planning a trip you want to come home with great pictures. Fortunately, modern cell phone cameras are so smart that all you need to know is how to leverage that new technology in an easy and fun way. Get great photos of people, places, and things, all with your cell phone! Those little cameras can do great things if you know about lighting, camera angle, composition, and special settings for night shooting, panorama, and much more. Your pictures will be better than ever!

We’ll be outdoors, visiting different scenic locations in Capitola Village, so all of the exercises will be hands-on real-world knowledge. Bring your cell phone fully charged! Also, bring a lunch you can enjoy during our mid-class break, a drink, and wear comfortable walking shoes.

Your materials fee includes a thumb drive, provided by your instructor in class, with the class presentation and other resources related to cell phone photography.

Meet at the Beach and Village Parking Lot in Capitola, at the ramp just behind the police station.

Class Details

1 Session(s)
Weekly - Sun

Beach and Village Parking Lot

Kay Bermender 



Please read:  We’ll be outdoors, visiting different scenic locations in Capitola Village, so all of the exercises will be hands-on real-world knowledge. Bring your cell phone fully charged! Also, bring a lunch you can enjoy during our mid-class break, a drink, and wear comfortable walking shoes. Class will meet at the Beach and Village Parking Lot in Capitola, at the ramp beside the accessible parking just behind the Capitola Police Department and City Hall building.

In the event of heavy rain or unsafe weather conditions, your instructor will be reaching out to you by phone and/or by email no less than two hours before the scheduled start time to let you know class has been cancelled, or relocated to an on campus location. Be sure to check your voicemail and email prior to leaving for your offsite location, to be sure you haven't missed any communication from your instructor.



Materials Fee:


Schedule Information

Date(s) Class Days Times Location Instructor(s)
2/16/2025 - 2/16/2025 Weekly - Sun 10:00 AM - 01:00 PM Capitola, Beach and Village Parking Lot  Map, Room: Beach and Village Parking Lot Kay Bermender