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A través de cada curso, aprenderá las herramientas, los consejos y las técnicas que traerán éxito en sus interacciones y generarán confianza en sus relaciones.

Below, you'll find classes currently open for registration. Please click on the course title to see the full course description, along with any special notice information. Sign in to your account to add classes to your cart, update your profile, or complete registration.

You will receive an automatic email with your transaction receipt and class confirmation following registration. Be sure to whitelist to ensure you receive these class details.

All Extension classes are for students aged 18 and up, unless otherwise noted.

Look for the icons next to the class titles for more information about your class or camp:

 - NEW class or camp!
 - Bring a Friend Discount applies


Applicable discounts, including Early Bird and Bring a Friend discounts, will be automatically deducted during checkout. Please note that discounts are only available on select classes. See our PDF catalog for more details.

The number of open spaces remaining is displayed below the class location information. If a class is full, please add yourself to the waitlist. You will be notified if a space becomes available.

If you have questions, please contact us at, and provide us with the title of the class you're interested in attending. We look forward to seeing you soon!

Su estilo y hábitos de comunicación tienen un impacto en el "clima" de la organización. La forma en que se comunica puede influir en la motivación de ...  View More

Start date: 02/12/25

Fee: $84.00

Materials Fee: $0.00

Schedule : Weekly - Wed 9:00 AM - 12:00 PM; starting 2/12/2025, ending 2/12/2025

Location: Watsonville Center Location : 
  Watsonville Center.

Room :  C107

30 Seats Left

Registration Closed
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Como supervisor, su capacidad para crear y mantener un clima de confianza es crucial para la satisfacción y el éxito de su equipo. La confianza es un ...  View More

Start date: 02/19/25

Fee: $84.00

Materials Fee: $0.00

Schedule : Weekly - Wed 9:00 AM - 12:00 PM; starting 2/19/2025, ending 2/19/2025

Location: Watsonville Center Location : 
  Watsonville Center.

Room :  C107

30 Seats Left

Registration Closed
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El nivel de participación y entusiasmo de un empleado en el lugar de trabajo define el compromiso. Este es un factor significativo en el éxito de una ...  View More

Start date: 02/26/25

Fee: $84.00

Materials Fee: $0.00

Schedule : Weekly - Wed 9:00 AM - 12:00 PM; starting 2/26/2025, ending 2/26/2025

Location: Watsonville Center Location : 
  Watsonville Center.

Room :  C107

30 Seats Left

Registration Closed
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La diversidad de estilos, habilidades, experiencia y competencia de los empleados se puede combinar para lograr resultados organizacionales. Cuando co ...  View More

Start date: 03/05/25

Fee: $84.00

Materials Fee: $0.00

Schedule : Weekly - Wed 9:00 AM - 12:00 PM; starting 3/5/2025, ending 3/5/2025

Location: Watsonville Center Location : 
  Watsonville Center.

Room :  C107

30 Seats Left

Registration Closed
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Encontrar una persona que se adapte a la organización y que la organización se adapte a un individuo, es un primer paso importante para crear un equip ...  View More

Start date: 03/12/25

Fee: $84.00

Materials Fee: $0.00

Schedule : Weekly - Wed 9:00 AM - 12:00 PM; starting 3/12/2025, ending 3/12/2025

Location: Watsonville Center Location : 
  Watsonville Center.

Room :  C107

30 Seats Left

Registration Closed
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El rendimiento más eficaz de un equipo comienza con expectativas claras y se refuerza a través de comentarios y apoyo de coaching. Cuando establecemos ...  View More

Start date: 03/19/25

Fee: $84.00

Materials Fee: $0.00

Schedule : Weekly - Wed 9:00 AM - 12:00 PM; starting 3/19/2025, ending 3/19/2025

Location: Watsonville Center Location : 
  Watsonville Center.

Room :  C107

30 Seats Left

Registration Closed
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Para mejorar verdaderamente el desempeño, necesitamos crear una cultura de comentarios constructivos a menudo. Debe de ser un proceso bidireccional. E ...  View More

Start date: 03/26/25

Fee: $84.00

Materials Fee: $0.00

Schedule : Weekly - Wed 9:00 AM - 12:00 PM; starting 3/26/2025, ending 3/26/2025

Location: Watsonville Center Location : 
  Watsonville Center.

Room :  C107

30 Seats Left

Registration Closed
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En el ciclo de manejar el rendimiento, una evaluación formal del desempeño puede ser requerida por su organización. Si ya existe una cultura de evalua ...  View More

Start date: 04/02/25

Fee: $84.00

Materials Fee: $0.00

Schedule : Weekly - Wed 9:00 AM - 12:00 PM; starting 4/2/2025, ending 4/2/2025

Location: Watsonville Center Location : 
  Watsonville Center.

Room :  C107

30 Seats Left

Registration Closed
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Manejando los conflictos de manera constructiva puede generar confianza en sus relaciones laborales y aumentar su credibilidad. También puede estimula ...  View More

Start date: 04/09/25

Fee: $84.00

Materials Fee: $0.00

Schedule : Weekly - Wed 9:00 AM - 12:00 PM; starting 4/9/2025, ending 4/9/2025

Location: Watsonville Center Location : 
  Watsonville Center.

Room :  C107

30 Seats Left

Registration Closed
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La capacitación o “coaching” es una habilidad de liderazgo crucial para los supervisores exitosos. Coaching apoya la construcción de relaciones, la pr ...  View More

Start date: 04/16/25

Fee: $84.00

Materials Fee: $0.00

Schedule : Weekly - Wed 9:00 AM - 12:00 PM; starting 4/16/2025, ending 4/16/2025

Location: Watsonville Center Location : 
  Watsonville Center.

Room :  C107

30 Seats Left

Registration Closed
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Para todos aquellos que han participado en la serie completa de los 12 cursos, nuestra clase final revisará los temas y conceptos de toda la serie. Se ...  View More

Start date: 04/23/25

Fee: $84.00

Materials Fee: $0.00

Schedule : Weekly - Wed 9:00 AM - 12:00 PM; starting 4/23/2025, ending 4/23/2025

Location: Watsonville Center Location : 
  Watsonville Center.

Room :  C107

30 Seats Left

Registration Closed
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