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Creating Pendants with Argentium Silver

ID : 13052   
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Argentium is truly the “magic metal,” and has unique characteristics that make it much easier to work with than sterling silver! In order to make that magic happen you will need to learn about the properties of argentium and how to work with it. Lynette will offer her expert guidance on argentium properties, and you will learn how to solder, fuse, and texture this unique metal while making your pendant. You will also learn the basics of shop safety and the tools used for this project. There will be several demos, and ample time for you to create a beautiful piece of jewelry that you can wear home, or gift to someone you love!
Class is held in Cabrillo’s state-of-the-art small metals and jewelry lab. Please wear long pants and closed toe shoes, and please finish all food and drinks before class. Also be prepared to pull your hair back - safety first!



Class Details

2 Session(s)
Weekly - Sat, Sun

Aptos Main Campus

Lynette Cederquist 



Materials Fee:


Schedule Information

Date(s) Class Days Times Location Instructor(s)
5/25/2024 - 5/26/2024 Weekly - Sun, Sat 10:00 AM - 04:00 PM Aptos, Aptos Main Campus  Map, Room: VAPA 3001 Lynette Cederquist